NVS Recruitment 2024 : 10 वी पास ते ग्रॅज्युएट्ससाठी मोठी संधी!! नवोदय विद्यालय समिती अंतर्गत मेगाभरती जाहीर

NVS Recruitment 2024
करिअर विषयक अपडेट्ससाठी ग्रुप जॉईन करा
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करिअरनामा ऑनलाईन । नवोदय विद्यालय समिती अंतर्गत मेगाभरती (NVS Recruitment 2024) जाहीर करण्यात आली आहे. या भरतीच्या माध्यमातून ‘अशैक्षणिक’ पदांच्या तब्बल 1377 रिक्त जागा भरल्या जाणार आहेत. या भरतीसाठी इच्छुक उमेदवारांनी ऑनलाईन पद्धतीने अर्ज करायचा आहे. अर्ज करण्याची शेवटची तारीख लवकरच कळविण्यात येईल.

तुम्ही जर सरकारी नोकरीच्या शोधात असाल तर तुमच्यासाठी ही अपडेट महत्वाची आहे. केंद्र सरकारच्या नवोदय विद्यालय समिती अंतर्गत ही भरती होत आहे. या भरतीच्या माध्यमातून हजारो उमेदवारांना नोकरीची संधी मिळणार आहे. या भरतीसाठी 10 वी पास ते ग्रॅज्युएट उमेदवार अर्ज करू (NVS Recruitment 2024) शकतात. ही एक मोठी सरकारी भरती समजली जाते त्यामुळे उमेदवारांनी विलंब न करता या भरतीसाठी अर्ज करायचा आहे. पाहूया रिक्त पदे, पात्रता, पगार याविषयी सविस्तर…

संस्था – नवोदय विद्यालय समिती
भरले जाणारे पद – अशैक्षणिक
पद संख्या – 1377 पदे
अर्ज करण्याची पद्धत – ऑनलाईन
अर्ज करण्याची शेवटची तारीख – लवकरच कळविण्यात येईल
वय मर्यादा – 18 ते 35 वर्षे (NVS Recruitment 2024)

अर्ज फी – (NVS Recruitment 2024)
GEN/OBC – 1000/- रु.
SC/ST – 500/- रु.
भरतीचा तपशील –

पदपद संख्या 
Female Staff Nurse (Group B)121
Assistant Section Officer (Group B)05
Audit Assistant (Group B)12
Junior Translation Officer (Group B)04
Legal Assistant (Group B)01
Stenographer (Group C)23
Computer Operator (Group C)02
Catering Supervisor (Group C)78
Junior Secretariat Assistant (Group C)21
Junior Secretariat Assistant (Group C)360
Electrician Cum Plumber (Group C)128
Lab Attendant {Group C)161
Mess Helper (Group C)442
Multi Tasking Staff (Group C)19

आवश्यक शैक्षणिक पात्रता –

पदआवश्यक शैक्षणिक पात्रता
Female Staff Nurse (Group B)B.Sc. (Hons.) in Nursing from a recognized University/Institute. ORRegular course in B.Sc. Nursing from a recognized University/Institute. ORPost Basic B.Sc. Nursing from a recognized University/Institute.
Assistant Section Officer (Group B)Bachelor Degree from a recognized University.03 years’ experience in administrative, financial matters in Central Govt/Autonomous Organization under the Central Govt.
Audit Assistant (Group B)B Com from a recognized University.
Junior Translation Officer (Group B)Master’s Degree of a recognized University in Hindi with English (NVS Recruitment 2024)
Legal Assistant (Group B)Degree in Law from a recognized University.Three years experience of handling legal cases in a Government Department /Autonomous Bodies/ PSU
Stenographer (Group C)12th pass from a recognized Board or University.
Computer Operator (Group C)BCA/B.Sc. (Computer Science/IT) from a recognized University. ORBE/8.Tech (Computer Science/IT)
Catering Supervisor (Group C)Bachelor’s Degree in Hotel Management from an institution recognized by Ministry of Tourism. Govt. of India/State Government.Trade proficiency Certificate in Catering with a minimum of 10 years’ service in Defence
Services of regular establishment (for Ex-servicemen only).
Junior Secretariat Assistant (Group C)Senior Secondary certificate (Class XII) from a recognized Board and possessing minimum speed of 30 words per minute in English typewriting or 25 words per minute in Hindi typewriting. ORPassed +2 level of Senior Secondary from CBSE/State Board with Secretarial Practices and Office Management as Vocational Subjects.
Junior Secretariat Assistant (Group C)Senior Secondary certificate (Class XI I) from a recognized Board and possessing . minimum speed of 30 words per minute in English typewriting or 25 words per minute in Hindi typewriting ORPassed +2 level of Senior Secondary from CBSE/State Board with Secretarial Practices and Office Management as Vocational Subjects.
Electrician Cum Plumber (Group C)10th class pass.Industrial Training Institute (ITI) Certificate in the trade of Electrician/Wireman.At least 2 years’ experience in electrical Installation/wiring/plumbing.
Lab Attendant {Group C)10th Class pass with a certificate/ diploma in Laboratory Technique OR12th Class with Science stream from a recognized Board/ University
Mess Helper (Group C)Matriculation pass (Class X passed from recognized board)5 years’ experience of working in a Govt. residential organization’s Mess/school’s Mess andPassing of skill test prescribed by NVS
Multi Tasking Staff (Group C)Class X from a recognized board

मिळणारे वेतन –

Female Staff Nurse (Group B)LeveI-7 (Rs.44900-142400)
Assistant Section Officer (Group B)Level -6 (Rs.35400-112400)
Audit Assistant (Group B)Level -6 (Rs.35400-112400)
Junior Translation Officer (Group B)Level -6 (Rs.35400-112400)
Legal Assistant (Group B)Level -6 (Rs.35400-112400)
Stenographer (Group C)Level -4 (Rs.25500-81100)
Computer Operator (Group C)Level -4 (Rs.25500-81100)
Catering Supervisor (Group C)Level -4 (Rs.25500-81100)
Junior Secretariat Assistant (Group C)Level-2 (Rs.19900-63200)
Junior Secretariat Assistant (Group C)Level-2 (Rs.19900-63200)
Electrician Cum Plumber (Group C)Level-2 (Rs.19900-63200)
Lab Attendant {Group C)Level-1 (Rs.18000-56900)
Mess Helper (Group C)Level-1 (Rs.18000-56900)
Multi Tasking Staff (Group C)Level-1 (Rs.18000-56900)

असा करा अर्ज –
1. या भरतीसाठी इच्छुक उमेदवारांनी ऑनलाईन पद्धतीने अर्ज करायचा आहे.
2. अर्ज करण्यापूर्वी उमेदवारांनी नोटिफिकेशन काळजीपूर्वक वाचावे.
3. उमेदवारांनी अर्ज (NVS Recruitment 2024) शेवटच्या तारखे अगोदर सादर करायचा आहे.
4. अर्ज करण्याची शेवटची तारीख लवकरच कळविण्यात येईल.

काही महत्वाच्या लिंक्स –
अधिक माहितीसाठी जाहिरात पहा – PDF
ऑनलाईन अर्ज करण्यासाठी येथे CLICK करा – APPLY
अधिकृत वेबसाईट –
अधिक माहितीसाठी पहा – https://careernama.com